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  Welcome to Waba on SourceForge !

Waba is a small, efficient and reliable Java Virtual Machine (VM) aimed at portable devices (but also runnable on desktop computers), written by Rick Wild of Wabasoft. The Waba VM is an open source project.

There is currently much development on and around the Waba VM, and on Waba applications.

Waba on sourceForge is dedicated to the development of the VM core and the associated core Java packages, but not to Waba applications themselves. If you are looking for applications, please see the links page.

You are currently viewing the informational side of Waba on SourceForge. Go to SF:summary for the source management pages.

Waba on SourceForge is of interest for you if, as a developer:
  • you want to contribute to the development of the Waba VM, or to port Waba on a platform: go to SF:summary for the source management pages.
    Please contact the project admin (the admins' addresses can be found on that page)

  • you are just curious and want to browse the VM sources: get the sources snapshot on SF:downloads or browse the CVS tree on SF:CVS to quickly see individual files

Also, as a Waba user, you can go to the Wabasoft page to download the current binaries

  SF : news
  The latest news can be found on  

  Waba, WabaVM and WabaSDK are trademarks of Wabasoft Inc.  

  Rick Wild is the creator of the Waba Virtual Machine.

The Waba community warmly thanks him for his great work.

  You can browse or issue a support request on

On the links page, some other useful addresses can be found.

For any other issues regarding the SourceForge project, please contact the Project Admin (address can be found on the summary page).

For any other issues regarding this site, please contact

  © 2000-2001   Last Update: March 4, 2025